PBC Materials : DacCom PBC
Created: 10 September, 2008 14:48


File Size Date 
Daccom M12 0708 final.doc  46 K 10/09/08
JDs.doc  303 K 10/09/08
PPI_in_PBC_proposal_2[1].doc  41 K 10/09/08
PBC Academy Enrolment Form - EoE.DOC  1.592 K 10/09/08
West Herts PBC Spectacular.doc  98 K 10/09/08
PBC Mail.doc  27 K 10/09/08
Agenda 210808 - Commissioners & Trust.doc  57 K 10/09/08
Beds Herts draft stroke pathway Version 5 1 Apr 08.doc  62 K 10/09/08
West Herts CEO letter june 08.doc  29 K 10/09/08
WHHT Service and Performance Review June.doc  38 K 10/09/08
Notes of WHHT SPRG Meeting 17th July 08 - Commissioners & Trust.rtf  69 K 10/09/08
NHS Constitution briefing.doc  46 K 10/09/08
Next Steps for DacCom.rtf  19 K 10/09/08
Navigant Draft Report.doc  234 K 10/09/08
Physio Service Specification Aug 08.doc  84 K 10/09/08
Business Case for Physio Aug 08.doc  62 K 10/09/08
Agenda 150808.rtf  25 K 10/09/08
HUC GP flyer 12 aug08.doc  163 K 10/09/08
Status Report 0807.doc  31 K 10/09/08
Record_080730.doc  88 K 10/09/08
copy for mailing letter to Professor Templeton and MrsCanning.doc  97 K 10/09/08
letter to Catherine Pelley Aug 2008.doc  93 K 10/09/08
Providing Maternity Services in Primary Care paperforsubmission to Council July 2008.doc  168 K 10/09/08
Agenda 080730.doc  48 K 10/09/08
DacProv 080722.doc  55 K 10/09/08
McKayMrN P.G.150508.doc  705 K 10/09/08
Peter Graves_PBC Beds+Luton_210708.doc  63 K 10/09/08
GP Evening 5 Hope and Anger - flyer.doc  163 K 10/09/08
Record_080711.doc  80 K 10/09/08
Draft IG Agenda 240708.doc  44 K 10/09/08
Agenda PEC 16.7.08.doc  41 K 10/09/08
Main Doc - Draft Sexual Health Strategy for Hertfordshire - Updated Jul 08.doc  740 K 10/09/08
Cover sheet for Sexual Health Strategy paper.doc  36 K 10/09/08
Dental Access Pledge update for PEC July.doc  246 K 10/09/08
080612 Minutes of the Joint Clinical Governance Sub2.doc  56 K 10/09/08
PEC Briefing Note_Jul08 (5).doc  45 K 10/09/08
PEC 18.6.08.doc  70 K 10/09/08
PEC report 7 UCCs Work plan July 08.doc  295 K 10/09/08
paper for Hertfordshire PEC1.doc  41 K 10/09/08
PBC Governance Sub.doc 26.06.08.doc  273 K 10/09/08
PEC OP Acc and IC 070708.doc  43 K 10/09/08
DES_minor_surgery_3 July_final.doc  256 K 10/09/08
Focolare Centre for Unity.doc  483 K 10/09/08
LTC briefing paper july 2008 (2).doc  127 K 10/09/08
LTC Agenda - 22nd July 2008.doc  538 K 10/09/08
balint group (2).doc  26 K 10/09/08
letter to daccom re mary gerry and health centre 7.2008.rtf  10 K 10/09/08
Agenda 080711.doc  47 K 10/09/08
West herts GPs.doc  191 K 10/09/08
HUC model of care.doc  6.212 K 10/09/08
Herts Urgent CareGPapplication_form.doc  63 K 10/09/08
Childrens Centres (2).doc  233 K 10/09/08
Minutes PBC Leads meeting 020708 - H.doc  56 K 10/09/08
letter re annual report.doc  29 K 28/06/08
STAHCOM Annual Report final.doc  222 K 28/06/08
Annual Report for STAHCOM 2008.doc  27 K 28/06/08
Meeting Notes VT and CP Charter House 24 June 2008.doc  34 K 28/06/08
West_Herts_Business_Case_monitoring_table.doc  56 K 28/06/08
Eamp_N_Herts_Business_Case_monitoring_table.doc  55 K 28/06/08
CAS CATS Project Scope.doc  293 K 28/06/08
COPD CC MJ June 08.doc  258 K 28/06/08
Savings for Clinical gover committee.doc  78 K 28/06/08
Final Version_Hertfordshire PCTs sip feed spend to save Apr08_North Herts PBC version.doc  62 K 28/06/08
SIP - Commissioning Case for Change Support Form 1.doc  222 K 28/06/08
W HAT GYNAE LES (AF) Commissioning Case for Change Support Form APRIL 08 NP(2) (2).doc  227 K 28/06/08
NHCG Anticoagulation Jun 08 (2).doc  79 K 28/06/08
Hertsmere Gynaecology CATS June 08 (3).doc  86 K 28/06/08
Gynae CATS Support Form.doc  231 K 28/06/08
Palliative LES.doc  64 K 28/06/08
PBC Gov Sub-Comm Minutes 29.04.08.doc  289 K 28/06/08
Agenda PBC Gov Sub Committee 26th June 08.doc  84 K 28/06/08
LTC CPG Final Version.doc  511 K 28/06/08
LTC Task and Finish Group Report FINAL (3).doc  106 K 28/06/08
EPMHS letter.doc  114 K 28/06/08
AGENDA 19.6.08.doc  39 K 28/06/08
ParkerMr A PG re premises committee 50608.doc  720 K 28/06/08
May 13th 2008.doc  755 K 28/06/08
Letter to PBC GPs re Premises resource pack May08 doc - final.doc  35 K 28/06/08
JCPB Investment Proposals d4 110608.doc  158 K 28/06/08
Implementing premises developments in primary care March08.doc  72 K 28/06/08
Implementing premises developments in primary care March08 (4).doc  68 K 28/06/08
FW Wheelchair service - WH Lead mtg.txt  4 K 28/06/08
PBC Leads paper 020608.doc  34 K 28/06/08
Minutes 15.5.08.doc  53 K 28/06/08
Status Report 0806.doc  78 K 28/06/08
PEC report.doc  260 K 28/06/08
PEC 14.5.08.doc  200 K 28/06/08
Agenda PEC 18.6.08.doc  35 K 28/06/08
080508 Minutes of the Joint Clinical Governance Sub.doc  56 K 28/06/08
Notes of PBC Budget meeting 23-05-08.doc  57 K 28/06/08
letter and reply form re maternity services.doc  103 K 28/06/08
Survey of Maternity Services in Primary Care in Dacorum.doc  31 K 28/06/08
Survey of Maternity Services in Primary Care in Dacorum.docx  12 K 28/06/08
letter to practice managers re maternity services.doc  91 K 28/06/08
Short Performance Report April 2008.doc  23 K 28/06/08
Notes of WHHT SPRG Meeting 8th May 08 - Commissioners & Trust.rtf  65 K 28/06/08
Flyer 25 June08 - Simulation Event.doc  1.356 K 28/06/08
LES CVD High Risk Registers-final.doc  62 K 28/06/08
PBC carry forward - draft 4.doc  58 K 28/06/08
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 29 01 08.doc  275 K 28/06/08
Record_080606.doc  107 K 28/06/08
Terms of Reference Final Version.doc  35 K 28/06/08
West Herts Clinical Conclave minutes 22ndMay 2008.doc  83 K 28/06/08
Daccom M12 interim final.doc  49 K 28/06/08
DacCom Pbc Review Progress Update 040608.doc  86 K  5/06/08
Agenda 080606.doc  40 K  5/06/08
Agenda 080606 latest draft.doc  52 K  5/06/08
A balanced diet advice sheet 2007-04-04.doc  281 K  5/06/08
Nutritional Sip Feeds Guide 2007-02.doc  65 K  5/06/08
Makingmoreofyourfood incarehomes 2006.doc  43 K  5/06/08
Makingmoreofyourfood 2006.doc  78 K  5/06/08
Are you drinking enoughAdvice sheet 2007-02.doc  86 K  5/06/08
A West Herts MUST Tool ICP - Community Pages 1&2 2007-08-15.doc  3.309 K  5/06/08
West Herts MUST Tool ICP - Community Pages 3 ( 2007-08-15).doc  147 K  5/06/08
Sip Feed Information for Practices (v3).doc  78 K  5/06/08
Agenda 080606 draft.doc  51 K  5/06/08
CEMACH 2008 GP conclusions.doc  26 K  5/06/08
Proposal for Child Health and well-Being LES.doc  51 K  5/06/08
Minutes of the PBC Governance Sub.doc 29.04.08.doc  288 K  5/06/08
Final Version_Hertfordshire PCTs sip feed spend to save Apr08_PBC version.doc  65 K  5/06/08
bbq flyer 24 6 08.rtf  53 K 26/05/08
HCOP Group Mins 30.04.08.doc  58 K 25/05/08
Record_080522_DacCom.doc  89 K 25/05/08
Record_080522.doc  69 K 25/05/08
PBC LES SLA 12.5.8 official copy.doc  106 K 25/05/08
West PBC Budgets.doc  63 K 25/05/08
East and North Herts Press release New GP out of hours provider for Hertfordshire (2).doc  222 K 25/05/08
West Herts press release for Hemel Hempstead UCC.doc  223 K 25/05/08
Dacorum EPMHS meeting Tuesday 13.doc  37 K 25/05/08
SESP - Child Health and Wellbeing.doc  248 K 25/05/08
PEC 23.4.08.doc  68 K 25/05/08
PBC FRAMEWORK 0809- Towards World Class Commissioning.doc  272 K 25/05/08
PBC fair shares changesW v3.doc  55 K 25/05/08
Herts PCTs Performance Monitoring v3 0.doc  547 K 25/05/08
Tupe summary sent to PEC chairs 100308.doc  48 K 25/05/08
PBC PH Profile DacComB.doc  769 K 25/05/08
DacCom Ortho letter 12.45.08.doc  33 K 25/05/08
Agenda 080522.doc  36 K 25/05/08
The Public Health Nurse in Primary Care.doc  27 K 25/05/08
DacCom counselling LES.doc  31 K 25/05/08
West Herts Invitation.doc  56 K 25/05/08
Status Report 0805.doc  57 K 25/05/08
C2 PBC framework.doc  384 K 25/05/08
PBC FRAMEWORK 0809- Towards World Class Commissioning (2) (2).doc  270 K 25/05/08
PBC LES SLA 12.5.8 official copy 2008.doc  103 K 25/05/08
Membership letter final 5.2008.doc  33 K 25/05/08
Child Obesity - Children & Youth BMI Calculator  15 K 25/05/08
08.05.06-PBJC Managers Report D2.doc  409 K 25/05/08
Accommodation Proposal May 08.doc  54 K 25/05/08
08.04.28-Counselling Bids - Mental Health Leads Meeting.doc  38 K 25/05/08
IAPT Update paper.doc  45 K 25/05/08
Agenda 20 May.doc  39 K 25/05/08
M 04.03.doc  79 K 25/05/08
Record_080507.doc  64 K 25/05/08
FisherHamilton.H.PG.100408.doc  699 K 25/05/08
FW Final version Herts PCTs Choice Booking LES 2008-9.txt  2 K 25/05/08
Choice & Booking LES 08_ 09 7 May.doc  68 K 25/05/08
AGENDA 15.5.08.doc  37 K 25/05/08
Draft Minutes WHPBC Leads meetin 170408.doc  62 K 25/05/08
letter on behalf of Richard Walker to PBC Chairs May 08 (final).doc  26 K 25/05/08
Appendices 5-12 final.doc  283 K 25/05/08
Appendix 4 V1.doc  34 K 25/05/08
Health Questionnaire.doc  237 K 25/05/08
West Herts Smoking Cessation Local Enhanced Service 2008.doc  296 K 25/05/08
Minutes PBC Leads meeting 220408 - H.doc  50 K 25/05/08
DacCom Community Nursing Spec 08.doc  222 K 25/05/08
Validation Training Manual for Practices - April 2008.doc  964 K 25/05/08
HIDAS_Crib_Sheet May 2008.doc  50 K 25/05/08
PBC report card West Herts for April08 SHA Review.doc  53 K 25/05/08
PBC report cared E&N Herts April 08 Performance Management Report.doc  52 K 25/05/08
bbq flyer 24.6.08.rtf  53 K 25/05/08
counselling review Draft 2.doc  25 K 25/05/08
Agenda 080507.doc  49 K 25/05/08
PBC PH Profile DacCom.doc  766 K  3/05/08
DacCom ophthalmology service 150408.doc  26 K  3/05/08
Criteria January 08.doc  147 K  3/05/08
Daccom M11 final.doc  52 K  3/05/08
CATS briefing for Directors April 08.doc  61 K  3/05/08
PBC PH Profiles Herts.zip  6.463 K  3/05/08
July Patient Satisfaction(Herts).doc  181 K  3/05/08
Herts Patient Satisfaction Report Feb 08.doc  180 K  3/05/08
Danesbury Position Statement.doc  39 K  3/05/08
PPI TOR.doc  34 K  3/05/08
PPI meeting 21.4.08.doc  68 K  3/05/08
21.4.08.doc  236 K  3/05/08
PPI in PBC proposal 2.doc  41 K  3/05/08
28.1.08.doc  48 K  3/05/08
Communication Note re TDL.doc  47 K  3/05/08
Writing Business Cases - Guidance for PBC Groups Feb08 (2).doc  240 K  3/05/08
Final submission dates for PBC Gov Com (2).doc  234 K  3/05/08
Guidance for submitting Business Cases to PBC Gov Comm (2).doc  619 K  3/05/08
PBC LES Mar 08 NPdraft 2.doc  112 K  3/05/08
2 4 8 pbc FRAMEWORK 0809 (2).doc  269 K  3/05/08
PBC Code of Conduct (April08).doc  55 K  3/05/08
Highview business case Use of savings.doc  31 K  3/05/08
Alcohol Misuse.doc  74 K  3/05/08
Commissioning case support form Alcohol.doc  219 K  3/05/08
Drug Misuse.doc  70 K  3/05/08
Commissioning case support form Drug.doc  219 K  3/05/08
Final Business Case Mar 08 (2).rtf  832 K  3/05/08
Business case Coeliac Disease March 2008.doc  256 K  3/05/08
Final Coeliac commissioning Case for Change Support Form docNP.doc  239 K  3/05/08
WatCom Ophthalmology PBC Business Case Mar 08.doc  206 K  3/05/08
Case for change support form - Ophthalmology Mar 08.doc  227 K  3/05/08
Final Business Case DacCom Proposal 15 4 08 (2).doc  124 K  3/05/08
DacCom EPMHS Commissioning Case for Change Support Form 04 08.doc  228 K  3/05/08
North Herts Case for change - Cardiology serices (v3) (2).doc  117 K  3/05/08
N HERTS CARDIOLOGY (AF) Commissioning Case for Change Support Form APRIL 08 NP(2) (2).doc  228 K  3/05/08
Meeting Dates 2008.doc  236 K  3/05/08
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 04 03 08.doc  263 K  3/05/08
Agenda 29 04 08.doc  88 K  3/05/08
STAHCOM NEWS April 2008 final 6.doc  147 K  3/05/08
Status Report 0804.doc  56 K  3/05/08
Record_080418.doc  74 K  3/05/08
DacCom pc ophthalmology service April 15 08.doc  25 K  3/05/08
Service Spec April 08.doc  93 K  3/05/08
elective services on hemel lgh paper forDacCom16 April 2008.doc  61 K  3/05/08
pbc brief.doc  53 K  3/05/08
CHILDREN[1].doc  145 K  3/05/08
Cost Pressures Children's Division W Herts 0809 - Mar 08 (update 08[1].04.08).doc  103 K  3/05/08
Int.Care West Herts PBC Minutes 19.3.08.doc  32 K  3/05/08
WestHertsPBCAgenda30.04.08.doc  25 K  3/05/08
DacCom Community Nursing Spec 08 (2FF).doc  130 K  3/05/08
EAST OF ENGLAND PBC Network 100408.doc  67 K  3/05/08
Agenda 080418.doc  47 K  3/05/08
AGENDA 17.4.08.doc  35 K  3/05/08
service spec ultra2.doc  78 K 11/04/08
business service spec ultra2.doc  70 K 11/04/08
WHHT SLA Review meeting Agenda 10.04.08.doc  25 K 11/04/08
Notes of WHHT SLA Meeting 13th March 08.rtf  33 K 11/04/08
LINks.doc  36 K 11/04/08
SA_PEC_sep07_reducing_supplies_of_drugs_not_needed.doc  279 K 11/04/08
Record_080403.doc  66 K 11/04/08
WatCom Community Nursing Spec 08.doc  183 K 11/04/08
Clinical model IC beds 08 doc.doc  130 K 11/04/08
Agenda 080403.doc  35 K 11/04/08
Anne Walker.doc  31 K 11/04/08
Appendices 200809 (1).doc  112 K 11/04/08
Smoking cessation LES for PBC leads March 2008 (2).doc  93 K 11/04/08
Daccom M10 final.doc  51 K 11/04/08
Minutes 20.3.doc  33 K 11/04/08
PEC-PBC-PCT meeting invite letter for 14.5.08.doc  303 K 29/03/08
Herts IAPT Project Manager's Monthly Report DH Ready Mar08.doc  135 K 29/03/08
Conference Programme May 08.doc  157 K 29/03/08
Conference booking form 2008.doc  39 K 29/03/08
High Risk Registers-final.doc  58 K 29/03/08
DacCom PbC.doc  356 K 29/03/08
Andrew Parker 080325.doc  86 K 29/03/08
Consultation Paper final - March2008.doc  113 K 29/03/08
ConsultationletterMarch2008.doc  307 K 29/03/08
HVSN Team Leader Job Description.doc  244 K 29/03/08
HVSN Team Leader Person Spec.doc  221 K 29/03/08
Summary Paper for GP's (2).doc  37 K 29/03/08
Record_080319.doc  91 K 29/03/08
Governance Sub Committee 140308.doc  30 K 29/03/08
Note of the West Hertfordshire Conclave Meeting 24-1-08.doc  27 K 29/03/08
Implementing premises developments in primary care March 08.doc  69 K 29/03/08
PEC 20.2.08.doc  60 K 29/03/08
Operational Report March Board.doc  333 K 29/03/08
Appendix 2 Commissioning intentions West 08 09 Local Trusts.doc  240 K 29/03/08
Appendix 1 commission intentions E&N 08 09 Non Herts Trusts.doc  191 K 29/03/08
PEC PAPER.DOC  33 K 29/03/08
East Budget Setting.doc  121 K 29/03/08
West Budget Setting.doc  119 K 29/03/08
PEC 0708 M9 final.doc  64 K 29/03/08
accreditation of pwsi pec paper march 2008.doc  115 K 29/03/08
Disposal of Elms Clinic PEC 19.3.08.doc  42 K 29/03/08
Peter Shhilliday Copy of E&N_Project Specification v2.1 tw - MASTER Final.doc  287 K 29/03/08
RW -SHA West_Project Specification v3 tw - MASTER final (1).doc  372 K 29/03/08
LES - high risk Feb 08- generic.doc  35 K 29/03/08
Hot topics mental health flyer 22.4.08.doc  91 K 29/03/08
Reply Slip.doc  56 K 29/03/08
Managing the Drugs Bill - Draft EoE (2) (3).doc  63 K 29/03/08
Commissioning Stop Smoking Services within West Hertfordshire PCT area.doc  57 K 29/03/08
Agenda 080319.doc  34 K 29/03/08
Review of West Herts SLA Performance Months 1-11.doc  30 K 29/03/08
Health centre discussion document_080314.doc  61 K 29/03/08
Parkinson's disease nurse specialist March 2008.doc  44 K 29/03/08
Agenda PEC 19.3.08.doc  35 K 29/03/08
Commissioning Stop Smoking Services withinWest Hertfordshire PCT area.doc  54 K 29/03/08
Hertfordshire Provider Services activity by West PBC RH Mar08.doc  146 K 29/03/08
Discussion Paper.doc  1.102 K 29/03/08
Notes of WHHT SLA Meeting 14th February 08.rtf  32 K 29/03/08
WHHT SLA Review meeting Agenda 13.03.08.doc  25 K 29/03/08
Status Report 0803.doc  55 K 29/03/08
TOR W Herts Clin Effect committee.doc  42 K 29/03/08
Proposal for the Structure of Clinical Governance in Primary Care W Herts.doc  26 K 29/03/08
DacCom V 3(Amended 13.2.08)B.doc  131 K 29/03/08
Draft Business Plan feb 08.doc  183 K 29/03/08
Commissioning Strategy 2007-8 to 2012-13.doc  1.378 K 29/03/08
Comparison of Beds and Herts Incentive Schemes.doc  32 K 29/03/08
Beds PCT PBC Incentive scheme 07-08.doc  45 K 29/03/08
Minutes PBC Leads meeting 220208 - H.doc  45 K 29/03/08
Alternative Meeting Dates 2008.doc  242 K 29/03/08
Commissioning Plan 08-09 - DRAFT.v3.doc  61 K 29/03/08
EAST Commissioning Plans 2008_09.doc  61 K 29/03/08
DRAFT South Locality Commissioning Plan 2008-09.doc  291 K 29/03/08
Welwyn & Hatfield Commissioning Plan 2008.09.doc  101 K 29/03/08
1st draft Welwyn Hatfield Commissoning plan 2008.09.doc  84 K 29/03/08
SLCG Commissioning Priorities 0809.doc  74 K 29/03/08
W&C Commissioning & Business Plan 2008-9 - FINAL.DOC  866 K 29/03/08
E&N Herts Business Case monitoring table.doc  45 K 29/03/08
West Herts Business Case monitoring table.doc  50 K 29/03/08
Parkfield MC savings proposal - issues discussedFeb08.doc  23 K 29/03/08
ParkfieldPBC savings plan3.doc  64 K 29/03/08
Hertsmere EPMHS Proposal (21.2.08).doc  253 K 29/03/08
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 29 01 08 v2.doc  275 K 29/03/08
Agenda 04 03 08.doc  84 K 29/03/08
StahCom Hertsmere Podiatry update Feb08.doc  220 K 29/03/08
StahCom Ultrasound update Feb08.doc  219 K 29/03/08
Daccom M9 final.doc  51 K 29/03/08
letter NBrown review of WHJPG 210208.doc  273 K 29/03/08
Letter to GP'sre Midwifery Management Structure.doc  47 K 29/03/08
Agenda 080229 with timings.doc  44 K 29/03/08
PBC 2008 09 budgets.doc  25 K 29/03/08
Mental Health Promotion Strategy Launch Flyer.doc  51 K 29/03/08
outstanding EN Herts - LES Review 07-08 doc for gov committee 20 12 07.doc  41 K 29/03/08
Herts LAA indicator selection.doc  297 K 29/03/08
HCOP Group Mins 6.2.08.doc  51 K 29/03/08
IC West Herts PBCLeadsMeetingMinutes4 2 08.doc  30 K 29/03/08
Leads agenda 5.3.08.doc  48 K 29/03/08
WHPBC Leads Meeting minutes21.2.08.doc  58 K 29/03/08
DACCOM LETTERHEAD 240208.doc  91 K 29/03/08
Agenda 080229.doc  33 K 29/03/08
PBC briefing MJ Feb 08.doc  68 K 29/03/08
DacCom Visits as at 23.02.08.doc  83 K 29/03/08
WHHTOPjan.doc  39 K 29/03/08
M 11 Dec 07.doc  84 K 29/03/08
Mental Health Leads Meeting_Agenda_4_March_08.doc  29 K 29/03/08
PBC Leads 20.2.08.doc  294 K 29/03/08
Exerpts from local plan.doc  56 K 29/03/08
anguidelines consultation version jan 08.doc  696 K 29/03/08
Hot_Topics-_diabetes_28 2 081.rtf  15 K 29/03/08
Status Report 0802.doc  55 K 29/03/08
Record_080214.doc  70 K 29/03/08
Business Case for Pilot SH Clinic Feb 08 (2).doc  77 K 25/02/08
DacCom V 3(Amended 13.2.08).doc  131 K 25/02/08
Agenda 080214.doc  47 K 12/02/08
DacCom V 3.doc  131 K 12/02/08
covering Letter for SH draft stragegy.doc  262 K 12/02/08
Market Forces Factor - simple expln.doc  41 K 12/02/08
PBC letter nj004 5 Feb 08.doc  60 K 12/02/08
PBC registration 10 April.doc  32 K 12/02/08
Proposals for PBC LES 2008_9.doc  38 K 12/02/08
Record 080205.doc  44 K 12/02/08
Getting to up to 35 measures.doc  36 K 12/02/08
LAA Initial Submission 23 Jan 2008 to GO-East.doc  168 K 12/02/08
General Update on LAA.doc  380 K 12/02/08
DacCom re Pres Overspend.doc  9 K 12/02/08
IntCareCommFrameworkFINALPBCdraft.doc  484 K 12/02/08
Comm Matron Service SpecPBC FINALDRAFT.doc  275 K 12/02/08
Clinical model IC teams 08.doc  79 K 12/02/08
Consultation doc - Intermediate Care consultation (3) Feb2008.doc  326 K 12/02/08
Record_080130.doc  56 K 12/02/08
West Herts PBC Chairsopening paperjan08.doc  37 K 12/02/08
Draft2 Janaury 2008.doc  75 K 12/02/08
minutes 17 1 08.doc  57 K 12/02/08
Daccom M8 final.doc  51 K 12/02/08
Access Policy Changes Draft 3 Jan 08[1].doc  40 K 12/02/08
PBC leads Jan 08.doc  422 K 12/02/08
PEC 12.12.07.doc  52 K 12/02/08
STAHDOC Colposcopy business case - status.doc  33 K 12/02/08
Commissioning case support form Colposcopy Jan 08.doc  33 K 12/02/08
West Herts Diabetes Business Case 2008 forPBCGC.DOC  54 K 12/02/08
Letter to PBC Governance committee 22-01-08.doc  27 K 12/02/08
Business Case Prostate Cancer 2007.08.doc  242 K 12/02/08
Business case.Coeliac Disease.2007.08.doc  245 K 12/02/08
Colposcopy Business Plan PBC Gov Cmt 29 0108 V2 (2).doc  2.766 K 12/02/08
Commissioning case support form Physio Jan 08.doc  33 K 12/02/08
Business case for Physio Nov 07.doc  51 K 12/02/08
Agenda 29 01 08.doc  77 K 12/02/08
Glossary PBC Gov Comm Jan08.doc  40 K 12/02/08
Agenda 080130.doc  43 K 12/02/08
PBC Report - Cover Sheet.doc  29 K 12/02/08
Notes 23 1 08.doc  33 K 12/02/08
DacCom response CMs 240108.doc  240 K 12/02/08
Flyer Appraisal 12 Mar 08.doc  104 K 12/02/08
September Patient Choice Survey.doc  44 K 12/02/08
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 20 12 07 (3).doc  301 K 12/02/08
Conclave agenda 24.1.08.doc  29 K 12/02/08
Letter to GPs 080118.doc  32 K 12/02/08
business case approval.rtf  64 K 12/02/08
DacComPBC LES with surgeries v5 20 1 08.doc  157 K 12/02/08
Choice meeting150108sdoc.doc  45 K 12/02/08
28th January 2008.doc  235 K 12/02/08
Status Report 0801.doc  55 K 12/02/08
CommMatronServiceSpecFINALDRAFT (2).doc  274 K 12/02/08
IntCareStratdraft7.doc  663 K 12/02/08
Notes of WHHT SLA Meeting 20 December 07 v2.rtf  61 K 12/02/08
Record_080110.doc  48 K 12/02/08
Programme management status report 080110[Budget].doc  65 K 12/02/08
Conclave Minutes 12 Dec 2007.doc  38 K 12/02/08
Letter.doc  66 K 12/02/08
AGENDA.doc  38 K 12/02/08
comments on AAUOpPolicy.doc  28 K 12/02/08
AAUOpPolicyv0 4 251107(4).doc  850 K 12/02/08
katrina hall 070109.doc  53 K 12/02/08
Report Outline.doc  284 K 12/02/08
Interview List.doc  28 K 12/02/08
Process for business case approval to Governance Committee.doc  41 K 12/02/08
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 20 12 07.doc  301 K 12/02/08
Validation Training Manual for Practices - December 2007.v4.doc  1.657 K 12/02/08
Agenda 080110.doc  31 K 12/02/08
PEC meeting 15.11.07.doc  51 K 12/02/08
DacCom Counselling Service Spec Jan 08.doc  96 K 12/02/08
Business Case for DacCom Prim Mental Hlth Serv Jan 08.doc  116 K 12/02/08
Letter to Jan Filochowski 24 12 07.doc  237 K 12/02/08
STAHCOM NEWS December final 2007.doc  177 K 12/02/08
Vitamin Preparations for ARMD.doc  98 K 12/02/08
Type 2 diabetes - Prioritising treatments.doc  283 K 12/02/08
Omacor and Eplerenone for MI Secondary Prevention.doc  97 K 12/02/08
Grazax.doc  104 K 12/02/08
Enclosure 4.1.doc  240 K 12/02/08
Aliskiren.doc  105 K 12/02/08
Record_071220.doc  97 K 12/02/08
Daccom M7 final.doc  52 K 12/02/08
Notes of WHHT SLA Meeting 21st November 07.doc  23 K 12/02/08
Interim Chief Operating Officer PEC 12.12.07.doc  52 K 12/02/08
Programme management status report 071220.doc  48 K 20/12/07
DacCom Visits as at191207.doc  80 K 20/12/07
PCTs Board meetings Nov 07.doc  41 K 20/12/07
Letter to AW.doc  31 K 20/12/07
MINUTES 13.12.07.doc  44 K 20/12/07
Agenda 071220.doc  31 K 20/12/07
West Herts PBC Leads meeting 131207s.doc  48 K 20/12/07
Conclave Meeting 121207s.doc  50 K 20/12/07
North locality mental health services paper to PBC gov cttee Nov 07.doc  38 K 20/12/07
Limes Proposal Use of PBC savings - amended[1].doc  32 K 20/12/07
Business Plan for Use of savings Hatfield rs from 2007.doc  38 K 20/12/07
Village Surgey Practice Plan.doc  37 K 20/12/07
Code of Conduct.doc  54 K 20/12/07
Colposcopy Business Plan PBC Gov Cmt 20 1207 V3.doc  2.798 K 20/12/07
End of Life LES bus casekp(2).doc  69 K 20/12/07
RED HOUSE ANTICOAG BUS CASE Dec07.doc  49 K 20/12/07
Red House Group pbcachieve Nov07.doc  55 K 20/12/07
Red House Group pbcplan Nov07.doc  121 K 20/12/07
Business case for Medicines Waste Campaign June 2007.doc  247 K 20/12/07
Hertfordshire Medicines Waste Publicity CampaigN3.doc  44 K 20/12/07
Hertfordshire Medicines Waste Publicity Campaign.doc  28 K 20/12/07
Agenda 20 12 07.doc  79 K 20/12/07
Recruitment and Reorganisation 0712.doc  59 K 20/12/07
Job Description - Clinical Service Lead- West x 2 Final.doc  79 K 20/12/07
Person Specification Clinical Lead.doc Final.doc  43 K 20/12/07
Job Description - Operational Service Lead doc x 3 Final.doc  71 K 20/12/07
Comments on Response Document Re Services Leads West Consultation - 5 December 07.doc  355 K 20/12/07
Status Report 0712.doc  72 K 20/12/07
Letter to GPs 071210.doc  37 K 20/12/07
AGENDA 13.12.07.doc  40 K 20/12/07
service redesign process.doc  43 K 20/12/07
Commissioning Framework (draft) 7 Dec 07.doc  65 K 20/12/07
Action Plan West Herts Clinical Conclave 15.11.07.doc  36 K 20/12/07
Agenda West Herts Clinical Conclave 12.12.07.doc  29 K 20/12/07
TOR W Herts Clin Effect Com draft2.doc  49 K 20/12/07
Position as at 28.11.07.ME.doc  36 K 20/12/07
Minutes 29.11.07.doc  51 K 20/12/07
REFLECTIONS ON PBS 7.12.doc  34 K 20/12/07
socialhealthpage.doc  315 K 20/12/07
HCOP Group Mins 16 10 07.doc  50 K 20/12/07
Dac Health Older P TOR draft changes.doc  61 K 20/12/07
Draft SCS - 22.11.doc  605 K 20/12/07
Record_071205.doc  110 K 20/12/07
Milestone 1 Physio version 3 to Avi.doc  40 K  6/12/07
PEC meeting 17.10.07.doc  54 K  6/12/07
Appendix1 agreement between surgery and counsellor.doc  42 K  6/12/07
DacComPBC LES with surgeries.doc  88 K  6/12/07
The Provision of Primary Care Counselling Services in Dacorum.doc  58 K  6/12/07
Covering note to the DacComPBC Executive.doc  29 K  6/12/07
Agenda 071205.doc  43 K  6/12/07
Daccom M6 final.doc  53 K  6/12/07
Retinal Screening West Herts Final.doc  724 K  6/12/07
Attend CATS Infosheet.doc  533 K  6/12/07
ZZZ Commissioning in 2008_9 (3).doc  1.391 K  6/12/07
Letter to GPs re clinic patients 28 11 07.doc  97 K  6/12/07
Terms of Reference for West Herts PBC GPleads meetings1.doc  57 K  6/12/07
Quality Care for Hertfordshire Event 191107s.doc  82 K  6/12/07
Conclave Group Meeting 151107s.doc  59 K  6/12/07
SLA Review Meeting WHHT & PCT 211107s.doc  67 K  6/12/07
AGENDA 29.11.07.doc  41 K  6/12/07
012 - 18w Delivery Plan for Hertfordshire - v7 Final 1Aug07.doc  328 K  6/12/07
Hertfordshire PCT Engagement Letter_03.doc  52 K  6/12/07
Ltr to PBC leads 07.11.07.doc  238 K  6/12/07
(2) Streamlined Standing Orders Extract (Interests).doc  43 K  6/12/07
(1) Standing Orders Extract (interests).doc  48 K  6/12/07
Out patient Clinic Patients- for JK 2 8 06.doc  58 K  6/12/07
Record_071116.doc  101 K  6/12/07
LETTERHEAD 151107.doc  91 K  6/12/07
Programme management status report 071116.doc  47 K  6/12/07
MY INTRO TO HOT TOPICS 6.12.07.rtf  15 K  6/12/07
Conclave Diabetes Update final 15 nov 2007.doc  31 K  6/12/07
TOR Conclave group.doc  51 K  6/12/07
Conclave action plan from 17.10.07.doc  32 K  6/12/07
Conclave agenda 15.11.07.doc  27 K  6/12/07
PARS is different.doc  36 K  6/12/07
Agenda 071116.doc  31 K  6/12/07
Understanding Stroke Jan 2008.doc  134 K  6/12/07
Status Report 0711.doc  52 K  6/12/07
MINUTES 18.10.07 final.doc  55 K 15/11/07
Record_071101.doc  127 K 15/11/07
Bus Case General Surgery.doc  52 K 15/11/07
Concerns raised by DacMan members_response.doc  47 K 15/11/07
Programme management status report 071101.doc  47 K 15/11/07
Car Parks Map.doc  5.703 K 15/11/07
lttr to Joel Bonnet 22 10 07 (final).doc  51 K 15/11/07
Agenda 071101.doc  32 K 15/11/07
Exenatide proforma for pilot1.doc  91 K 15/11/07
Exenatide shared care protocol October 20071.doc  111 K 15/11/07
EXENATIDE pilot IN TYPE 2 DIABETES1.doc  50 K 15/11/07
Concerns raised by DacMan members.doc  50 K 15/11/07
minutes 20.9.07.doc  49 K 15/11/07
Developing primary care premises draft2 Sept 28 07.doc  58 K 15/11/07
CAS review[1].doc  37 K 15/11/07
DacCom M4 final.doc  49 K 15/11/07
Conclave Group notes 171007.doc  53 K 15/11/07
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 16 10 07.doc  292 K 15/11/07
PPI complete.doc  54 K 15/11/07
Record_071017.doc  91 K 15/11/07
Primary Care Access and Responsiveness Actionplan [2].doc  244 K 15/11/07
Access survey summary 2007[2].doc  313 K 15/11/07
Programme management status report 071017.doc  44 K 15/11/07
Briefing Paper for Primary Care.doc  224 K 15/11/07
8th October 2007 (2).doc  243 K 15/11/07
WatCom Clinical Engagement v2 Oct07.doc  47 K 15/11/07
STAHCOM NEWS September 2007.doc  145 K 15/11/07
Heart Failure Flyer 19.11.07.rtf  90 K 15/11/07
Agenda 071017.doc  30 K 15/11/07
Declarations of Interest form for new PCTs.doc  41 K 15/11/07
PEC meeting 19.9.07.doc  64 K 15/11/07
Agenda PEC 17.10.07.doc  32 K 15/11/07
Practice_visits_templatePWD.doc  49 K 15/11/07
DS Serv Desr FINAL 10092007.doc  96 K 15/11/07
Status Report 0710.doc  51 K 10/10/07
Out of Hours_Urgent Care Meeting 2 October 2007.doc  86 K 10/10/07
AGENDA 30.8.07.doc  36 K 10/10/07
PalcarepaperPBCAug final.doc  120 K 10/10/07
minutes 19 7 07.doc  49 K 10/10/07
Status Report 0708.doc  47 K 13/08/07
Record_070810.doc  109 K 13/08/07
Programme management status report 070810.doc  49 K 13/08/07
JD PBC Manager - generic July07.doc  396 K 13/08/07
Agenda 070810.doc  30 K 13/08/07
ABI Booking Form july 07.doc  221 K  2/08/07
ABI stakeholder day flyer.doc  227 K  2/08/07
STIF Flyer.doc  172 K  2/08/07
Lttr to PEC Chairs & PBC Leads 25.7.07.doc  479 K  2/08/07
Record_070725.doc  82 K  2/08/07
Programme management status report 070725.doc  66 K  2/08/07
23rd JulyPPIF.doc  248 K  2/08/07
DacCom Confidentiality Agreement v1.doc  63 K  2/08/07
Agenda 070725.doc  30 K  2/08/07
Notes from the workshop 12.7.07.doc  75 K  2/08/07
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 02 07 07.doc  280 K  2/08/07
SCS 2021 EVIDENCE BASE (summary) - 10.07.doc  511 K  2/08/07
PBC Implementation Progress report v3.doc  80 K  2/08/07
Appendix 2 PBC feedback av.doc  61 K  2/08/07
PBC Registration form 24th Sept.doc  33 K  2/08/07
cover letter W.doc  314 K  2/08/07
Children's Consultation W EN July 2007.doc  313 K  2/08/07
Wednesday 5th September 2007.doc  31 K  2/08/07
Hertfordshire PCT GP Letter re ECN patients.doc  33 K  2/08/07
National Conference booking form (4).doc  310 K  2/08/07
BRIEFING PAPER July 2007 final.doc  228 K  2/08/07
West Herts PbC Developing PCT Provider Service Letter final (2).doc  247 K  2/08/07
WHHT Audiology interim Action Plan 040607.doc  33 K  2/08/07
AGENDA 19.7.07.doc  34 K  2/08/07
Record_070711.doc  76 K  2/08/07
DacComFirst Round of Practice Visits.doc  57 K  2/08/07
Status Report 0707.doc  62 K  2/08/07
Programme management status report 070711.doc  52 K  2/08/07
premises paper July 07.doc  33 K  2/08/07
bbq flyer 18 7 07.rtf  37 K  2/08/07
Agenda 070711.doc  29 K  2/08/07
Another NHS Review.doc  38 K  2/08/07
BUPA extended choice network 29.06.07.doc  30 K  2/08/07
bbq flyer 18.7.07.rtf  37 K  2/08/07
MINUTES 21.6.07.doc  50 K  2/08/07
Programme management status report 070622.doc  76 K  2/08/07
Record_070622.doc  91 K  2/08/07
Drafts 0706.doc  33 K  2/08/07
DacCom PBC Prescribing Sub Committee Meeting 20.6.07.rtf  19 K  2/08/07
PBC Leads Meeting210607B.doc  44 K  2/08/07
PBC Leads Meeting210607A.doc  34 K  2/08/07
Joint PEC Meeting200607E.doc  32 K  2/08/07
Joint PEC meeting200607D.doc  43 K  2/08/07
Joint PEC Meeting200607C.doc  34 K  2/08/07
Joint PEC Meeting200607B.doc  31 K  2/08/07
Joint PEC Meeting200607A.doc  36 K  2/08/07
Meeting Dates 2007.doc  239 K  2/08/07
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 13.06.07.doc  272 K  2/08/07
palcarecomintentions june07.doc  38 K  2/08/07
Information For PBC June2007PEC.doc  89 K  2/08/07
West Herts Clinical Services for the future mtg 12.7.07.doc  153 K  2/08/07
Issue 1 June 2007.doc  55 K  2/08/07
Agenda 070622.doc  30 K  2/08/07
Month 12 Dacorum.doc  219 K  2/08/07
operational Plan 2007-08.doc  59 K  2/08/07
Herts spec.doc  149 K  2/08/07
Familial Breast Screening -PBC leads meeting.doc  121 K  2/08/07
Diabetes Retinopathy screening in Hertfordshire 8 june 2007.doc  85 K  2/08/07
Provider Services Specification - District (Community) Nursing draft4).doc  200 K  2/08/07
AGENDA 21.6.07.doc  35 K  2/08/07
PEC MH Report 20th June.doc  89 K  2/08/07
PEC Report on 2006-7 activity rates AL June 2007 v2.doc  439 K  2/08/07
Directors Report 0706.doc  48 K  2/08/07
Foreword and executive summary FINAL.doc  108 K  2/08/07
Letter to staff public consultation launch (1).DOC  292 K  2/08/07
Re-investment prioritieswest for PBCdraft 3.doc  54 K  2/08/07
Re-investment Priorities Children's Services 080607.doc  40 K  2/08/07
Re-investment Priorities Adult Services 080607.doc  37 K  2/08/07
Provider Services Board TOR(agreed).doc  58 K  2/08/07
staff meeting letter apr 07.doc  223 K  2/08/07
staff letter apr 07.doc  225 K  2/08/07
JC cover letter280307.doc  224 K  2/08/07
Minutes 31.5.07.doc  51 K  2/08/07
Status Report 0706.doc  44 K  2/08/07
Record_070607.doc  68 K  2/08/07
Sexual Health wales web version.doc  798 K  8/06/07
Herts ASR Cons doc (New V14).doc  497 K  8/06/07
Milestone 1a COPD.doc  29 K  8/06/07
allergy_testing_ing_children (2).doc  31 K  8/06/07
Programme management status report 070607.doc  57 K  8/06/07
Finanical Outturn 200607.doc  224 K  8/06/07
LSPanconfinvite.doc  33 K  8/06/07
2007-06_147806_G_N.doc  27 K  8/06/07
Draft C2C policy May 2007.doc  31 K  8/06/07
Agenda 070607.doc  31 K  8/06/07
PEC meeting 16.5.07.doc  64 K  8/06/07
National Conference booking form.doc  279 K  8/06/07
flyer2.doc  475 K  8/06/07
PPIF letter.DOC  218 K  8/06/07
Stakeholder letter.DOC  220 K  8/06/07
PBC Initial letter.DOC  222 K  8/06/07
30th May 2007.doc  236 K  8/06/07
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 17.05.07.doc  283 K  8/06/07
STAHCOM NEWS final 2.doc  140 K  8/06/07
Record_070523.doc  80 K  8/06/07
PEC meeting 18.4.07.doc  76 K  8/06/07
AGENDA 31.507.doc  34 K  8/06/07
Programme management status report 070523.doc  52 K  8/06/07
Month 11 Dacorum.doc  222 K  8/06/07
Summary of NHS Alliance PbC Conference.doc  39 K  8/06/07
DACCOM prescribing analysis 02.07.doc  3.659 K  8/06/07
Agenda 070523.doc  29 K  8/06/07
Herts Audiology Action Plan Summary 160507.doc  232 K 18/05/07
Local General Hospital Meeting.doc  57 K 18/05/07
release providers making trouble May07.doc  36 K 18/05/07
DacCom Template Invoice for DES Payments Apr 07 pms.doc  39 K 18/05/07
DacCom Template Invoice for DES Payments Apr 07 gms.doc  40 K 18/05/07
allergy_testing_ing_children.doc  25 K 18/05/07
RLLH Draft PBC letters pts and GPs (2) April 07.doc  30 K 18/05/07
Status Report 0705.doc  50 K 18/05/07
Record_070504.doc  94 K 18/05/07
MSK CATS MeetingCheere House030507.doc  43 K 18/05/07
mins 12 04 07.doc  61 K 18/05/07
Agenda 070504_.doc  31 K 18/05/07
LES_Training PwSI (v1 2).doc  143 K 18/05/07
Template Invoice for DES Payments Apr 07.doc  27 K 26/04/07
FRP Update(2) Apr 07.doc  559 K 26/04/07
Status vs Framework for PBC.doc  81 K 26/04/07
Consortia Iinvite May 07.doc  49 K 26/04/07
Record_070418.doc  56 K 26/04/07
Programme management status report 070418.doc  94 K 26/04/07
PBC Committee TOR v 3.doc  274 K 26/04/07
PBC Gov sub committee Minutes 03.04.07.doc  255 K 26/04/07
PBC leads apr 07.doc  230 K 26/04/07
Agenda 070418.doc  31 K 26/04/07
MSK CATS-CAS West Herts PBC mtg Apr5 07.doc  37 K 26/04/07
A Proposal for Dacorum or West Herts Alternative for CAS and CATS.doc  39 K 26/04/07
Letter to practices regarding PBC LES.doc  55 K 26/04/07
Dispute Resolution for PBC Draft1.doc  36 K 26/04/07
MSK CATS Meeting Royalty House5th April 2007.doc  44 K 26/04/07
Business_Plan_070408.doc  132 K 26/04/07
Agreement with Practices_070409.doc  78 K 26/04/07
Status Report 0704.doc  41 K 26/04/07
Minutes of DN Service 2307.doc  36 K 26/04/07
LES_Training PwSI (v1.2).doc  140 K 26/04/07
Record_070404.doc  61 K 26/04/07
Month 9 Dacorum.doc  220 K 26/04/07
Agenda 070404.doc  31 K 26/04/07
pbc07-08detailedanalysisgpcmar07.doc  174 K 26/04/07
pbc07-08keyissuesgpcmar07.doc  83 K 26/04/07
Programme management status report 070330.doc  83 K 26/04/07
DN Service Priorities March 2007.doc  91 K 26/04/07
18th April Booking Form.doc  152 K 26/04/07
West Herts DN Prospectus of Care(version 4).doc  392 K 29/03/07
WEST HERTS DN PROSPECTUS.doc  258 K 29/03/07
After Death Analysis Tool vs 11.Feb06.doc  1.438 K 29/03/07
LCP COMMUNITY VERSION 11.doc  195 K 29/03/07
patient diary draft 5 (2).doc  834 K 29/03/07
EoL LES draft agreement (1).doc  450 K 29/03/07
End of Life LES Proposal (4).doc  40 K 29/03/07
Locality Directorate organisation chart.doc  53 K 29/03/07
OPEN REFERRAL ANALYSIS 3.07.rtf  8 K 29/03/07
PRACTICE INVOVEMENT.doc  29 K 29/03/07
RCGP OOH toolkit.doc  1.073 K 29/03/07
WalkerMsM.H.PGRL.150307.doc  766 K 29/03/07
letter to PBC leads 090307.doc  221 K 29/03/07
letter to GPs re enhanced service review090307.doc  222 K 29/03/07
The_Local_NHS_Crisis3.doc  29 K 29/03/07
Minutes 08 03 07.doc  57 K 29/03/07
21st March 2007.doc  231 K 29/03/07
Status Report 0703.doc  35 K 29/03/07
Record_070313.doc  52 K 29/03/07
DacCom Funding 2007_8.doc  74 K 29/03/07
Assment DacCom PBC Level Operation Mar07.doc  60 K 29/03/07
Business_Plan_070226.doc  108 K 29/03/07
Agenda 070313.doc  31 K 29/03/07
PRACTIC BASED CYNYSIM.doc  28 K 29/03/07
Clinical Governance Practice Leads Workshop Notes 7.3.07.rtf  25 K 10/03/07
Month 6 Dacorum.doc  218 K 10/03/07
DacCom Achievements of Objectives for DES Feb07.doc  123 K 10/03/07
PBC LES Feb 07 DRAFT3MW Herts (2).doc  121 K 10/03/07
Hertfordshire PCTs PBC framework.doc  384 K 10/03/07
Minutes 1.3.07.doc  43 K 10/03/07
PBC Committee TOR v 2.10.doc  273 K 10/03/07
Initial PBC Committee Agenda March 2007.doc  61 K 10/03/07
Minutes 1.2.07.doc  37 K 10/03/07
AGENDA 1.3.07.doc  32 K 10/03/07
Status Report 0702.doc  30 K 10/03/07
Record_070222.doc  49 K 10/03/07
Delegate Booking Form.doc  2.286 K 10/03/07
Hertfordshire PCTs PBC framework 20 02 07.doc  422 K 10/03/07
Service Imp & Redesign Objective for UnscheduledCare - Heart Failure.doc  21 K 10/03/07
Service Imp and Redesign Objectives for UnscheduledCare - COPD.doc  25 K 10/03/07
Service Imp & Redesign Objectives UnscheduledCare - UCS.doc  29 K 10/03/07
Business_Plan_070219.doc  83 K 10/03/07
Practice Based Commissioning Prescribing Meeting 9.2.07.rtf  32 K 10/03/07
Agenda 070222.doc  29 K 10/03/07
Briefing note to Locality Practice Based Commissioning Leads on Acute Services Review.doc  82 K 10/03/07
ACTION PLAN FOR PEC and PBC leads meeting.doc  24 K 10/03/07
Practice based commissioning workshop - ME amends.doc  34 K 10/03/07
SLA Points for Considering.doc  61 K 10/03/07
model_SLA_for_non-FTs.doc.rtf  1.007 K 10/03/07
flyer layout V2.doc  41 K 10/03/07
Staff response letter[1].doc  234 K 10/03/07
West Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust-outcome4)[1].doc  61 K 10/03/07
West Herts PCT Letter Heading[1].doc  140 K 10/03/07
doctorsyearprogramme.doc  143 K  4/02/07
Status Report 0701.doc  30 K  4/02/07
Record_070131.doc  60 K  4/02/07
Dacorum Provider org.doc  46 K  4/02/07
DacCom Funding briefing.doc  34 K  4/02/07
Agenda 070131.doc  31 K  4/02/07
Primary Care Mental Health Care Services bid proposal 1.07.rtf  16 K  4/02/07
CATS ReviewKatrina PowerPPIF Meeting160107.doc  54 K  4/02/07
Diagnosing HF NICE 2003.doc  25 K  4/02/07
Dr Bayliss's letter on BNP.doc  25 K  4/02/07
BNP Access.doc  58 K  4/02/07
Reinvigorating DacCom.doc  37 K  4/02/07
Tier 3 posts.doc  238 K  4/02/07
Social Parnterships.doc  30 K  4/02/07
WatCom Workshop-District Nursing Vision.doc  40 K  4/02/07
MM poster about switching medicines Jan 06.doc  220 K  4/02/07
Herts grey list final Jan 07.doc  261 K  4/02/07
RS draft letter to all prescribers1 (2).doc  562 K  4/02/07
Clinical Governance Workshop Notes 10th January 2007.rtf  20 K  4/02/07
ReferralsTrackingMeeting9th Jan 2007.doc  37 K  4/02/07
CKD Flyer 20.2.07.rtf  117 K  4/02/07
Endoscopy Referral Audit.doc  327 K  4/02/07
ECC CED Spec v3.doc  198 K  8/01/07
Emergency Care Centre iHUG Meeting with Herts PCT.doc  62 K  8/01/07
STARDOC OOHS plans 2007v2.doc  35 K  8/01/07
WHPBCLeadsMeeting040107.doc  66 K  8/01/07
Consultants.rtf  7 K  8/01/07
west herts Prospectus of Care(final) (2).doc  374 K  8/01/07
Status Report 0612.doc  29 K  1/01/07
Record_061219.doc  44 K  1/01/07
letter to GPs_FINAL.doc  564 K  1/01/07
Nomination form CM DoH Oct 2006.doc  70 K  1/01/07
Agenda 061219.doc  41 K  1/01/07
The Local NHS Crisis3.doc  27 K  1/01/07
Dec2006ArchwayIPdatavalidation.doc  84 K  1/01/07
The Local NHS Crisis.doc  27 K  1/01/07
LMC PBC Meeting 1 December 2006.doc  36 K  1/01/07
CASCATSmeeting 271106.doc  55 K  1/01/07
FRP Update(1) Oct 06 (2).doc  56 K  2/12/06
Clinical Assessment Service - review Draft 2.doc  98 K  2/12/06
CAS- CATS review 1.2.doc  60 K  2/12/06
Record Urgent Care Centre 061124.doc  32 K  2/12/06
Att G -PrimaryMental HealthRedesign final draft.doc  46 K  2/12/06
Dacorum redesign draft terms of ref.doc  24 K  2/12/06
directions from A10.doc  22 K  2/12/06
DIRECTIONS.doc  23 K  2/12/06
Mary McMinn PBC letter re DN prospectus.doc  167 K  2/12/06
west herts Prospectus of Care(final).doc  371 K  2/12/06
Mark Jones PBC letter re DN prospectus.doc  167 K  2/12/06
Status Report 0611.doc  30 K  2/12/06
Lesley Watts Meeting with West Herts PBC Representatives.doc  44 K 19/11/06
Record_061116.doc  40 K 19/11/06
MEETING NOTES - 08NOV06.doc  48 K 19/11/06
Bridging Group Meeting -25-10-06.doc  42 K 19/11/06
Survey sheet.doc  49 K 19/11/06
DacComTORv1.doc  103 K 19/11/06
MyNotes-DIRECTINGDIABETICcare[1].doc  28 K 11/11/06
Record Urgent Care Centre 061103.doc  33 K 11/11/06
Agenda 061116.doc  31 K 11/11/06
Dacorum PBC Prescribing Meeting 26 10 06.doc  34 K 11/11/06
Heart Failure event.doc  52 K 11/11/06
Day Hospital GP letter.doc  491 K 11/11/06
WHHT Interim Measures EHUG Key Points Oct 2006.doc  28 K 11/11/06
physio changes to GP Practices 021006.doc  247 K 11/11/06
Newsletter 23 Oct 2006.doc  2.990 K 11/11/06
Reducing A E attendances with PBC support v1.doc  35 K 11/11/06
Minutes of meeting re Urgent Care at PCT Friday 20 October 2006.rtf  14 K 11/11/06
COPD MEET.RESP NURSE.rtf  12 K 11/11/06
Minutes of Meeting re Urgent Care Centre IT system (TPP system One) Tuesday 17 October 2006.rtf  7 K 11/11/06
Patients Meeting.doc  231 K 11/11/06
Minutes of meeting re Urgent Care at PCT Friday 6 October 2006.rtf  12 K 11/11/06
Status Report 0609.doc  41 K 11/11/06
Record_061004.doc  39 K  7/10/06
DacCom Meeting with Nick Evans of WHHT5th October 2006.doc  57 K  7/10/06
Referral Management Meeting with John Phipps041006.doc  31 K  7/10/06
Gastroenterology Meeting 11.9.06.doc  36 K  7/10/06
cardiology Meeting 11.9.06.doc  34 K  7/10/06
Agenda 061004.doc  41 K  7/10/06
MM Sept 06 AIIRAs TO CANDESARTAN SWITCH.doc  41 K  7/10/06
FRP PROJECT FOR DACORUM AND WATFORD Sept 06 final.doc  86 K  7/10/06
Minutes of Unscheduled Care Meeting 2006 09.25.rtf  11 K  7/10/06
Guidance for Involving Patients.doc  311 K  7/10/06
Directing Diabetic care Flyer.doc  33 K  7/10/06
My Prescribing Meeting 13.9.06.doc  32 K  7/10/06
Referral Criteria Final Format[1] for district nurses.doc  260 K  7/10/06
PCTPracticeManagersForum130906.doc  39 K 21/09/06
Record_060912.doc  43 K 21/09/06
FRP PROJECT FOR DACORUM AND WATFORD 14th Aug 2nd draft1.doc  99 K 21/09/06
release PEC re-establishment Sept06.doc  29 K 21/09/06
Agenda 060912.doc  30 K 21/09/06
Letter to Catherine Pelley re Counselling 2.rtf  69 K 21/09/06
LMC-Future of Health Visitors in Herts.rtf  219 K 21/09/06
Agenda 13th Sept 2006.doc  37 K 21/09/06
Meeting re Urgent Care Centre IT system Friday 1 September 2006.rtf  7 K 21/09/06
Conference Letter 28.7.06 confirmed.doc  1.369 K 31/08/06
BOOKING FORM.doc  51 K 31/08/06
Conference Agenda.doc  858 K 31/08/06
Meeting with WHHT at HHGH on Wednesday 30 August 2006.rtf  9 K 31/08/06
Extended Practice Hours Plan v1.doc  30 K 26/08/06
Status Report 0608.doc  32 K 26/08/06
Record_060815.doc  89 K 26/08/06
Dietetic-changes (2).doc  51 K 26/08/06
plastics and burns letter to GPs 0808061.doc  44 K 26/08/06
GP'S LETTER - 14.08.06.doc  143 K 26/08/06
Education and Clinical Governance Update aug 06.doc  30 K 26/08/06
Agenda 060815.doc  30 K 26/08/06
recurrent sore throat ref template 4 aug 06.doc  44 K 26/08/06
OGDreply3 last change.doc  31 K 26/08/06
varicose veins ref template 4 aug 06.doc  43 K 26/08/06
knee pain ref template 4 aug 06.doc  43 K 26/08/06
heavy menstrual bleeding ref template 4 aug 06.doc  45 K 26/08/06
H Pylori - QA11 (4).doc  443 K 26/08/06
gpdyspepsia flow chart April 05 (3)121.doc  90 K 26/08/06
glue ear rec otitis media ref template 4 aug 06.doc  43 K 26/08/06
gastro8 referral guidelines for endoscopy21.doc  40 K 26/08/06
24 Tonsillectomy.doc  31 K 26/08/06
23 Upper GI Endoscopy - Dyspepsia.doc  30 K 26/08/06
21 Arthroscopy.doc  32 K 26/08/06
20 Minor Oral Surgery.doc  39 K 26/08/06
19 Fungal Nail Infection.doc  28 K 26/08/06
18 Glue Ear.doc  35 K 26/08/06
16 Ganglion.doc  28 K 26/08/06
Lycra Dynamic Splinting.doc  31 K 26/08/06
Memo to Practice Managers and GPs.doc  37 K 26/08/06
Letterhead_joint.doc  157 K 26/08/06
PSC Terms of Reference.doc  30 K  3/08/06
A Road Map outpatiets.doc  49 K 29/07/06
Community dermatology Dacorum.doc  40 K 28/07/06
PBC summary.doc  172 K 26/07/06
sandra briant re prescribing mandate 21.7.06.doc  107 K 26/07/06
Meeting060720ExecSumm.doc  90 K 26/07/06
Meeting060720Verbatim.doc  25 K 26/07/06
EGM Record.doc  58 K 26/07/06
Status Report 0607.doc  47 K 26/07/06
business planpbc-opd.doc  44 K 18/07/06
CAS.doc  28 K 18/07/06
DacComEGMFinalFinalResult.doc  109 K 18/07/06
Commissioning Plan_DacCom final draft 3.doc  281 K 18/07/06
DacComEGMFinalResult.doc  108 K 17/07/06
Gov Reeve LPHDP The Mount - 3rd Sept draft.doc  104 K 13/07/06
Gov Reeve Criteria for Readiness to Transfer v2.doc  35 K 13/07/06
Agenda 060713.doc  28 K 13/07/06
PBC Development Programme Orientation Meeting 30.doc  32 K 13/07/06
CASMeetingRoyaltyHouse5thJuly2006.doc  26 K 13/07/06
Weekly Outpatient Referrals.doc  25 K 25/06/06
Status Report 0606.doc  29 K 23/06/06
Record_060622.doc  77 K 23/06/06
CATS and CAS2.doc  39 K 20/06/06
Dermatology CATS STAH _ Hertsmere May06.doc  104 K 20/06/06
PCB.PCT Prescribing Meeting 20.6.06.doc  30 K 20/06/06
Framework Template_v2.1_140606.doc  191 K 19/06/06
Commissioning Plan_DacCom agreed draft.doc  231 K 19/06/06
Agenda 060622.doc  29 K 19/06/06
Record_060608.doc  78 K 15/06/06
Minutes meeting 25.05.06.doc  37 K  6/06/06
Agenda 060608.doc  29 K  6/06/06
CAS Discussion paperLP0506.doc  60 K 29/05/06
Referral Managemen1.doc  35 K 29/05/06
Business Plan MJ draft.doc  53 K 24/05/06
Commissioning Plan_draft.doc  251 K 22/05/06
PBC Plan_Explanatory Notes V3.doc  60 K 17/05/06
Commissioning Plan_Dacorum V2.doc  215 K 17/05/06
Record_051104.doc  70 K  8/11/05
Outline proposal_MJ_051031.doc  73 K  8/11/05
Agenda 051104.doc  28 K  8/11/05
Record 051011_minutes.doc  30 K 27/10/05
Record 051011_attendees list.doc  30 K 27/10/05
Agenda 051021.doc  29 K 27/10/05
PBCBackground Brief.doc  29 K 26/10/05
Record_051021.doc  69 K 26/10/05
NHS Confed PBCommissioning.doc  111 K 26/10/05

Folders: 1
Files: 927
Size of all files: 154.585 K